(deep breath)
So I've taken on the oh-so-highly-regarded title this year of Room Mom for my daughter's preK class. In taking some needed time off from promoting my photography business I decided to immerse myself in things that I don't often get to dapple in... hence, the new challenge.
I'm never good at jumping into things like this for the purpose of staying 'out of the limelight'. I want to arrive at the preschool with none other than my favorite PINK sweats from Victoria Secret, my flip-flops (yes, even in the snow), my Nike fleece zip up and my hair tussled about due to lack of showering. I APPRECIATE relaxation in a form unlike any other 30+ year old Mill Creek Mom out there. It is not unlike them to arrive in there itsy bitsy jeans, heals, tailored tops and hair done up like a hair product model... it makes me puke a little in my mouth. I then hop out of the car, lick my palm and slick down the frizz while looking at my reflection in the drivers' window, grab the baby in pajamas and no socks, walk to the double doors, close my eyes and reach for the handle and remember 'I'm not here for them... I'm here for the kids... I'm not here for them... I'm here for the kids...' As I open the doors I'm surrounded by supermodel Moms fresh from the gym or the aforementioned Herbal Essence models. They laugh and giggle while picking up little Janie. Janie is dressed to the hilt in Gymboree striped leggings, a corduroy skirt, french cuff shirt and hair in pigtails... she carries her bag like its a Gucci purse and smiles. Her teeth even sparkle - I mean it, the little 'star' that if caught just right blinds you? You know what I'm talking about.
I look above the crowd of suburbialets and find my hoodlum. Dressed to the hilt in pink ballet leggings with dirt on the knees, OshKosh skirt a size too small but sufficient none-the-less, layers of clean-but-stained shirts, old tennies and hair we forgot to comb. She drags her bookbag on the ground as she approaches me and looks me up and down as if to say, 'I thought you said you'd shower today...' Not that she could care less but her 'awareness' is rather mature compared to Miss Janie who's now sucking her binkie as she hops in her booster out in the parking lot.
Fast forward to Room Mom Krista.
Today I arrived at school in my '7s'... my Ann Taylor LOFT shirt and my heels. I wore a long, wool cream colored jacket just perfect for Fall and my hair was down and blowing in the Fall wind. I felt rather svelte and 'with it'. Dress for success as they say. Today we were having a Parent's get together at one of the parent's home and it would consist of talking face to face, sipping coffee, munching on pastries and giggling about things not unlike what you may see on Desperate Housewives. I wanted to 'fit the bill' if not for any other reason than to not be 'noticeable'. The week old sweats and spongy teeth might conjure up more concern than I cared to address and so I... did it.
I 'Wisteria'ed myself.
Though the time was lovely, I couldn't help but consider the 'woman from a different country' walking in and surveying our crowd. She would quizzically look at us as though we were unaware of life outside Mill Creek and scoff at our stupidity. She would likely turn on her new digital camera and begin recording our interactions as one would a pack of lioness' on the Savannah. It would be taken back to their educational system as a means of teaching the children about God's faithfulness and His provision -
see what you DON'T have to wade through? God is good. Now go fetch me a pail of water, boil it, cool it and we'll have it for drinking tomorrow. I don't mean to short change our time together today - it was surprisingly 'not surface-level' conversation. We talked about what 'church' is and the idea of 'faith'... it was headed in a different direction than I had originally assumed it would! Casual... outside the box... witty comments and valid responses. And what did I want to do?
I wanted my PINK sweats and a hot cup of jo'. I wanted to curl my legs under me on the couch and begin asking these women about what its 'really' like out there... how do we do this and be blameless before Jesus? How do we... on and on and on.
My dream is that on Friday we'll all show up not having showered since this morning. We'll be anticipating the next get together and offer to bring Ho-Hos, instant coffee or the like...
(cricket. cricket. cricket) In other words, never gonna happen. God forbid. Its Mill Creek.