Friday, March 12, 2010

Moments of my week.

Benjamin burned his hand in the vent above a gas fireplace... we spent 5 days redressing the wound -- the 'cast' was large enough to joke that he had his hand reattached after a recent accident... he looked so top-heavy. So cute.

Katie's PreK class had a 'dry run' this week. Durham School Services offered the preschool a couple hours with a driver and rig to teach the safety tips of riding a bus and to give them a teaser - they drove out of the parking lot and around the neighborhood. They felt SO BIG.

*Please do not judge me that there are no pictures of my daughter -- it had everything to do with her being always in a crowd of children with only her head visible and nothing to do with the clashing colors of her outfit she chose that morning.  Ava Kalous (Katie's dear friend whose Mom is my dear friend) was willing and ready to smile for the camera though... so I took full advantage.

I cannot believe Katie will be in Kindergarten next year!  I STILL remember sitting in Mrs. Roger's classroom tracing the lower case 'r'... oh I adore my daughter and cannot wait for her to experience these next moments of her life.

Ahhh... THERE'S my Katiebug.

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