Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day two of recovery.

These are a couple shots from William's first few hours home yesterday. He just wanted to sit, play Star Wars and... well... uh...

Nothing else. He did kindly offer the seat next to him to his brother -- hm. Interesting. Not that that is unexpected for William but it is unexpected for William's i-don't-feel-good-and-don't-want-to-talk-to-anyone-because-i'm-sick behavior. Things were already looking up.

What was that? Oh! The blood on the nose? Yeah, that just adds to the photo. It means, 'hey guys! someone just cut out my adenoids and Mom cares enough to not try and make me look good for photos but instead let me drip crustiness down my face until she can't stand it anymore' ... pardon the gruesomeness.

At roughly 12:30/1:00pm yesterday afternoon, William stood up from the couch and asked for a sandwich. A SANDWICH. I am not a sandwich person -- they sell you on the goodness of crisp, crunchy and warm and in the end leave you with a soggy, room temperature, wet-lettuce flavor. WHO asks for a sandwich immediately after having someone take out your tonsils?! He was HUNGRY and he would have nothing to do with smoothies, yogurt, applesauce and Gatorade. He was getting a little testy so we gave him a gummy piece of bread with a little butter on top... and it only heightened his awareness of what good food awaited him. He remembered eggs with cheese and a plethora of other wonderful things... he ate oatmeal and scrambled eggs; he ate bread with butter and smoothies to boot. He was a different kid than the last 9 months.

Today is a different day. Will the Thrill is having a more difficult time -- he hurts a little, his belly is feeling upset and he just wants to sleep. I think he liked the effects of the pain meds yesterday once he was able to enjoy them. Today, on the other hand, he is more sore and his body is telling him (begging him!) to just sit and not do anything. Mom needs to remember that too - so I'm trying to figure out my day tomorrow... no errands, just sit and 'be'. Sit and be. Sit and be. Sit and be.

Hm. We'll see what tomorrow holds.

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