Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today I rolled over in bed to look at the clock.

((5:30)) it screamed at me in silence - the boys have GOT to adjust to the time change.  We have fallen back in time as well as in progress.  Why is it that just when things begin to take shape in our morning routine Day Light Savings comes rearing her ugly head and begs for a little excitement?

We threatened their lives if they didn't lay on the floor and curl up, fall asleep and thus remain silent for the next 60 minutes... it worked (mostly.)

Katie woke and walked into the room about 6:00am -- she was feeling the effects of Aunt DLS too... she never wakes up before 7.  She was crying and frazzled because she couldn't breath out of her nose and she sounded like last night's bartender, Ruby.  We laid in bed for awhile and at 7:00am I pulled the covers back.

Its been a wonderful day of lazying around the house and doing odds and ends art projects with Katie who stayed home from school, watching cartoons here and there, napping (I slept with Ben on his bed and Katie and Will snoozed on theirs in the same room!), Katie slept for 3 hours while the boys and I slowly woke from our coma and enjoyed a little Godzilla cartoon on Netflix.  We closed all the blinds and turned off all the lights in the house, ate at the appropriate times (or an hour earlier due to rebelliousness) and stayed in our pajamas - I don't think any of us felt 100% and its been wonderful to not try so hard to be... well, sociable.

The highlights of the day?!  Pee and Poop in the potty.  It has been a constant celebration now for 4 days.

And tonight I'll enjoy the company of some wonderful women at Purple in Woodinville - I've never been.  I hear its fabulous.

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